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How We Select
Our Leaders

The MAVEN Institute selects candidates for admission through a rigorous, nationwide review process. Candidates must be 10-15 years from completion of their final training and the recipient of at least one funded project by NIGMS.


Candidates must have an established and/or tenured faculty or scientist position in any biomedical field and be a member of an under-represented minority in the health-related sciences as defined by the National Science Foundation (women and/or member of a  racial-ethnic minority group  such as African Americans or Blacks, Hispanic Americans or Latinos, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islander). 


From our list of eligible candidates, we randomly select those qualified candidates who are selected for program admission


 National Institutes of Health  I  National Institute of General Medical Sciences  I  Grant Number: 1R25GM139082-01

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