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Our Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team

Our Advisory Committee

Nancy Spector.jpg

Committee Chair


The MAVEN Advisory Committee serves to evaluate the content and implementation of the MAVEN educational trial.


Under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Spector, the committee of experts in the field will be charged with reviewing curriculum topics against current best-practices, and in response to MAVEN senior scientist, faculty and mentor feedback.


The Advisory Committee will review evaluative metrics relative to the scientific integrity of the trial such as recruitment, enrollment, randomization, attendance, attrition, and acquisition of data essential to analysis of trial outcomes, such as career satisfaction, scientific productivity and career ascension.

Our Administrative Support

Joan Duer-Hefele

Joan Duer-Hefele, RN, MA


Director, Clinical Reseach


June Marro

Senior Executive Assistant


Ariana McGinn

Associate Project Manager

Our Mentors

MAVEN Mentors have been selected for their outstanding history of mentoring and their record of accomplishment as scientists and as science leaders.


Attendees will be aligned with mentors from similar areas within the sciences, and receive both individualized career coaching, support for expansion of their professional network and guidance in the implementation of a culture changing project at their institution.


Additionally, attendees will receive best practices in mentorship training to enhance their own ability to successfully mentor under-represented scientists.

Image by Christina @

Sydella Batch, PhD

Our Program Officer

NIH, NIGMS, Division of Training

Sydella Blatch, PhD, is a program director in the Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity (TWD). She manages grants for the Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE), predoctoral Transdisciplinary Basic Biomedical Sciences, Bridges to the Doctorate, Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT), and Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) programs. As part of the NIH Diversity Program Consortium​, she manages the Sponsored Programs Administration Development (SPAD) program. Sydella also manages a portfolio of grants on organismal responses to environmental stressors in the Division of Genetics, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (GMCDB).

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